
Our employees

We are a happy team with a high level of competence that always puts customers at the centre. If you have fun together, the result is also better.

If you have questions about Industrikomponenter’s operations and products or want to contact our sales staff, please get in touch!

General questions? Ask me!

Arwid Skymborg

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Works mainly with obstacle lights, warning lights/sounds and door magnets.

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Jobbar mot industrisektorn med fokus på rostfria kapslingar, varningsljus/ljud och magneter.

Jonas Falconer

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Works in components/safety such as joysticks, industrial fans, obstacle lights, warning lights/sounds and sensors. Solid experience in moving components, Lean Production /Andon and obstacle lights.

Niklas Edström

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Works in the industrial sector with a focus on obstacle lights, warning lights/sounds, sensors and industrial fans.


Information about opening hours and where we are.

If you want to know more general information about Industrikomponenter AB, INKOM, you can find more information here.

Contact us