Questions and answers

Take a look at the most common questions and the answers we receive. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact us!

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  • Är vätgas säkert att använda?

    Vätgas är säkert att använda om det hanteras korrekt och med hjälp av modern teknik. Trots att vätgas är lättantändligt...

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  • Are customised industrial fans available?

    We can specifically customize the fans considering media temperature, pressure class, material, control, etc. We also assist in making calculations...

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  • Are SHS3 safety switches with AS interface available?

    Yes, it is.

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  • Can a WIN slave performance be configured to have the same configuration as a WIN slave?

    No, a WIN slave performance always needs a light tower level allocated to the counter input.

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  • Can flash recognition be set for all levels of WIN slave performance?

    No, the blink identification cannot be selected for the level with a counter input and not for the level with...

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  • Can I use my regular contactor that breaks in vacuum for DC applications?

    Vacuum contactors use encapsulated contacts with vacuum instead of air as the medium to eliminate arcing. Vacuum contactors are only...

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  • Can INKOM offer customized assembly?

    Yes, we at INKOM have our own assembly department that does customized final assembly, etc.

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  • Can INKOM offer system solutions?

    Yes, all system solutions are in accordance with TSFS 2020:88.

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  • Can power saving or sleep mode on a PC be switched with WIN?

    We recommend deactivating the power saving mode and sleep mode as follows: – PC with WIN database – PC with...

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  • Can side channel fans be speed controlled?

    All side channel fans with 3-phase motors can be speed controlled with frequency converters.

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  • Can the unit be switched on for 24 hours in continuous operation or can it be switched on again each time the room is used?

    The CO2 traffic light is suitable for both applications. If it is only switched on when the room is in...

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  • Can the WIN system be used on different radio channels?

    Yes, you can choose between 4 transmission channels. You can use one WIN master per channel. You do not have...

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  • Can Victron Skylla-TG be used as a power supply ?

    Yes, because of the perfectly stabilized output voltage, a TG charger can be used as a power generator when batteries...

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  • Difference between DC contactor and AC contactor?

    With a contactor, you want to break the current safely and get rid of the arc that forms as quickly...

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  • Do I have to change the whole luminaire in the train to upgrade to train-approved LED tubes?

    No. All you have to do is switch the power supply and choose an LED fluorescent tube that is suitable...

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  • Do I need a BMS battery monitor for Victron Superpack batteries?

    No. The Superpack contains all the necessary monitoring and requires no additional components.

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  • Do I need to change the battery charger when switching from lead-acid battery to Lithium battery?

    Yes, unless your old charger can charge LiFePO4 batteries. The charge cycle for lead-acid and LiFePO4 is different. Check the...

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  • Does AECO have sensitivity adjustment on inductive sensors?

    Yes, follow the associated instructions, the sensitivity is recommended to be performed when the sensor is installed in the final...

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  • Does Elektror 1SD and 2SD meet the EU Commission’s efficiency requirements?

    Electric side channel fans are standard equipped with IE2 motors in accordance with IEC 60034-30.

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  • Does WERMA Ex Signal Horn contain Silicone?

    No silicone-containing materials are used.

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  • Door magnets replacing Elomek 711 and 712?

    Yes, E6300011 can replace both 711 and 712 from Elomek. E630011 is approved according to EN1155.

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  • Further recommendations on obstacle lights?

    Where there is a risk of freezing/defrosting, it is recommended that the obstacle lights have an automatic de-icing function. Otherwise...

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  • How can I increase my reach?

    Each WIN slave has a repeater function, with which the interval between the WIN master and the WIN slave can...

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  • How does Positive Opening work in a micro switch?

    Watch this video explaining it  

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  • How does the FCR-D support service work?

    FCR-D (Frequency Containment Reserve) is a type of ancillary service used to regulate and balance the frequency in the electricity...

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  • How does the FFR support service work?

    FFR (Frequency Fast Reserve) is a support service used to quickly manage frequency deviations in the grid faster than FCR-D....

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  • How fast can a WIN slave performance be counted at the level of the counter input?

    The counting pulse can be a maximum of 10 Hz. Observe the conditions from chapter 0 and of the...

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  • How many cycles per minute can the WIN software count/record?

    The WIN software can monitor up to 600 cycles per minute. It is important that the counting output of the...

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  • How many light elements can you configure with the WERMA light tower?

    Max 5 elements. Sound or light

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  • How many machines can be connected to each WERMA SmartMONITOR license?

    It is possible to connect 50 machines or manual workstations to one license.

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  • How many square meters does a CO2 traffic light cover?

    Because CO2 spreads quite homogeneously in a room, a CO2 traffic light is generally sufficient for rooms of 80 to...

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  • How much current can a contactor handle?

    This question must be broken down into several parameters. The amount of current that can flow through the contactor continuously...

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  • How often does the WIN slave transmit signal status to the WIN master?

    If the status of the signal tower changes, the WIN slave sends this new status to the WIN master within...

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  • How often is the CO2 concentration in room air measured?

    The CO2 concentration is measured every 4 seconds.

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  • How to control a contactor?

    In each contactor there is a coil that operates switching and breaking, the voltage to control the coil can vary...

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  • Hur fungerar en bränslecell med vätgas?

    En bränslecell fungerar genom att mata in vätgas till dess anod, där väteatomer delas upp i protoner och elektroner med...

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  • In which materials are Bernstein safety switches made?

    Steel, Cast Aluminum and Thermoplastic. Here is the full range of Bernstein’s products at INKOM.

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  • Is it possible to load data from an ERP system?

    Yes, you can load data into the WIN software via an XML interface. Online manual

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  • Is it possible to work with the collected data?

    Yes, you can export captured data via an XML interface for further processing. Online manual

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  • Is surge protection included in the ORGA obstacle light?

    Yes, overvoltage protection according to Class III IEC61643-1.

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  • Is the cable dispenser delivered mounted to the rotary sensor?

    The cable dispenser is mounted according to standard, see drawing, when ordering sensors. Specific mounting is possible.

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  • Is the wireless transmission encrypted?

    WIN is equipped with several protection mechanisms, which prevent the broadcasts from being intercepted. In addition, confidential data from the...

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  • Is there a risk of remanence problems with door magnets?

    INKOM’s door magnets have an integrated center pin with push-off spring that prevents the door from staying in the upright...

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  • On which side and at what height should the CO2 traffic light be mounted?

    The CO2 traffic light should not be installed higher than 2 m above the floor and not directly next to...

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  • There are often connection errors to the WIN slaves. What can I do?

    You can do the following: – Data is only logged when the WIN software is working. Make sure this is...

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  • There are often connection errors to the WIN transmitter. What can I do?

    You can do the following: – Data is only logged when the WIN software is working. Make sure this is...

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  • TSFS 2020:88 What does this mean in general for owners of a flight obstacle?

    All obstacle lights with LED technology installed before 2018 are most likely to have no IR (Infra Red) so these...

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  • Vad är en bränslecell?

    En bränslecell är en innovativ enhet som omvandlar kemisk energi från ett bränsle, såsom vätgas, direkt till elektricitet genom en...

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  • Vilka är fördelarna med bränsleceller jämfört med batterier?

    Bränsleceller och batterier har olika styrkor, men bränsleceller erbjuder vissa unika fördelar. Till skillnad från batterier, som lagrar en begränsad...

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  • Vilka olika typer av bränsleceller finns det?

    Det finns flera typer av bränsleceller, var och en optimerad för olika applikationer och bränslen. De vanligaste inkluderar: Proton Exchange...

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  • What are bi- and monostable contactors?

    The contactor can either be controlled to one mode or both modes, for switching on or off. For example, a...

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  • What are PUR cables and what are their advantages?

    Polyurethane (PUR) – Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) PUR stands for ‘polyurethane’. The insulation and sheathing material “PUR” is a thermoplastic elastomer...

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  • What are PVC cables?

    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) – thermoplastic material PVC stands for ‘polyvinyl chloride‘. The applications of this thermoplastic in the plastics industry...

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  • What are support services to the Swedish power grid?

    Ancillary services to Swedish power networks are different types of services offered to help balance and maintain the stability of...

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  • What are the regulations that must be complied with when installing obstacle lights?

    The Swedish Transport Agency’s regulation collection TSFS 2020:88

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  • What can make a contactor weld together?

    High short-circuit currents and an unregulated closing with load is the most common reason for the contactor to weld. This...

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  • What certificates does Ilinox hold?

    Since 1995, Ilinox Srl works under a quality assurance system certified by Det Norske Veritas, a system already updated since...

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  • What do NO and NC mean?

    NO = Normally Open, NC = Normally Closed. This describes the state of a contactor when the voltage in the...

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  • What do the different standards and control marks on the products mean?

    The CE marking confirms the conformity of the product with the corresponding essential requirements of all directives applicable to the...

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  • What does ‘fail to safe’ mean?

    When an electromechanical component such as a contactor is exposed to a situation that causes it to fail, it does...

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  • What does BESS stand for?

    The name BESS stands for “Battery Energy Storage System” but can also be referred to as ESS. It consists of...

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  • What does train approved DC/DC converter mean?

    Designating a product as rail-approved means that the product has been tested according to all relevant standards for rail vehicles....

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  • What happens if you have to break with a short circuit load?

    It will form an arc with a lot of energy. The best way to extinguish it is with permanent magnets...

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  • What happens if you overload a contactor in the short term, short circuit load?

    For each contactor, there is a short-circuit current and a time that it must withstand. If this is higher and...

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  • What is 100% ED for electromagnet/solenoid?

    Standard is 100% coil i.e. can be continuously connected without overheating. For example, the same Solenoid with 50% coil gives...

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  • What is a contactor?

    A contactor is defined according to IEV ref 441-14-33 as a mechanical switching device with only one rest position, operated...

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  • What is a DC combiner for solar cells?

    A PV DC combiner is an electrical device used in photovoltaic systems to combine multiple PV strings into a common...

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  • What is a DC lab?

    A DC lab, or direct current lab, is a laboratory environment used to conduct experiments and tests with DC circuits...

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  • What is a fire brigade switch / fireman’s switch?

    The term “fireman’s switch” usually refers to a type of electrical switch used in firefighting operations to disconnect or shut...

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  • What is a fire brigade switch?

    A fireman’s switch is a safety device used by fire and rescue personnel to disconnect solar panels or battery banks...

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  • What is a halogen-free cable?

    A halogen-free cable is normally defined as a power cable that does not contain PVC plastics. Standard halogen-free cables offer...

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  • What is a permanent electromagnet?

    A permanent electromagnet holds continuously without current and releases when the current is switched on, i.e. the opposite of an...

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  • What is a solar switch?

    A photovoltaic switch is an electrical component used to connect or disconnect a photovoltaic installation from an electrical network. Its...

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  • What is an Economizer?

    An economizer is an electronic circuit that regulates (PWM) the turn-on power and hold power of the coil. An economizer...

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  • What is an electromagnet?

    An electromagnet is magnetic when current is applied and releases when de-energized, examples of breathing areas are door magnets and...

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  • What is Besilen®?

    Besilen® – Elastomer on silicone base Besilen® is a registered trademark of SAB Bröckskes GmbH & Co KG. It is...

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  • What is critical current and how do I avoid the problem with permanent magnet technology?

    Traditionally, contactors have worked with coils to force the arc to the arc chamber for extinguishing. During arc formation, the...

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  • What is ESD?

    ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) is static electricity transferred from one object to another. In everyday life, we experience ESD as an...

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  • What is ETFE?

    ETFE – Ethylenetetrafluoroethylene ETFE has excellent mechanical properties, an elevated hardness and tensile strength combined with the chemical resistance and...

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  • What is frequency regulation from a battery storage system?

    Frequency regulation from a battery storage system means that the battery storage system is used to adjust and stabilize the...

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  • What is galvanic isolation?

    When breaking both + & and – in case of anomalies in the system.

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  • What is IK09?

    IK09 – Protected against 10 joules of impact (equivalent to the impact of a 5 kg mass dropped from 200...

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  • What is important to consider when it comes to DC labs?

    Direct current (DC) is very different from alternating current (AC) in terms of insulation distance, which affects safety. Since DC...

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  • What is meant by EVS, enhanced visibility system?

    With the disappearance of the Xenon flash, LED flash is sometimes perceived as “weak”. Werma developed EVS, which is more...

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  • What is meant by pre-charge?

    Pre-charge, in the context of a DC (direct current) system, refers to a process of gradually charging the capacitance or...

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  • What is meant by SPST and SPDT?

    SPST stands for “single-pole single-throw” and SPDT stands for “single-pole double-throw.” These abbreviations are often used for electrical switches, relays...

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  • What is PFA?

    PFA – Perfluoroalkoxy This fluoroplastic material has good chemical resistance, a wide application temperature range and very good resistance to...

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  • What is required to comply with the current regulatory framework for obstacle lights?

    All active obstruction lights shall also emit IR ~850 nm (Infra-Red) Medium and High intensity obstruction lights shall be monitored...

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  • What is the “WERMA WIN 4 Server Service” needed for?

    The service runs in the background as soon as the computer or server hosting the database is turned on. WIN...

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  • What is the balancing market?

    Svenska kraftnät is responsible for maintaining the balance between electricity consumption and generation in the Swedish electricity system. To do...

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  • What is the difference between ATEX and IECEx?

    ATEX and IECEx are regulations to protect human health and safety against the risks that may arise from the use...

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  • What is the FEP?

    FEP – Fluoroethylene propylene This material belongs to the meltable fluoroplastics and can be extruded. It has a higher coefficient...

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  • What is the maximum allowed USB cable length between the WIN master and the computer?

    The cable length should not exceed 5 meters. The cable length can be increased via USB hubs.

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  • What is the trend with the balancing market and ancillary services?

    The balance sheet market is developing and growing Svenska kraftnät is working actively to develop new market solutions for the...

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  • What needs to be considered when installing WERMA WIN?

    Observe the safety instructions and system requirements. Online manual

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  • What should be considered when saving data in the WIN database?

    We recommend the following: – The computer and the master to which it is connected must be on 24/7. –...

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  • What standard do Bernstein conveyor switches meet?

    VDE 0660 T100, DIN EN 60947-1, IEC 60947-1 VDE 0660 T200, DIN EN 60947-5-1, IEC 60947-5-1

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  • Which regulations must be complied with when installing obstacle lights?

    The Swedish Transport Agency’s regulation collection TSFS 2020:88

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  • Which standards are the basis for the approval of EN 60947-5-5 and EN 13850?

    SR and SRM linen stoppers are approved according to IEC 947-5-5, DIN EN 60947-5-5 and ISO 13850.

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  • Who is responsible for ensuring that obstacle lights comply with current regulations?

    All obstacle lights are a safety feature and shall be secured for operation. The operator or owner of the obstacle...

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  • Why are contactors used?

    Historically, contactors have been used to directly switch on and off electrical loads, such as electric motors, and even today...

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  • Why can’t I install the WIN software?

    To install the software, you need administrator rights for your PC. Contact your IT administrator.

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  • Why choose ORGA’s High Intensity Obstacle Lights?

    Over 40 years of experience, together with our own research and development department and the manufacturing facilities, makes us a...

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  • Why choose ORGA’s Medium Intensity Obstruction Lights?

    ORGA’s Medium Intensity Obstruction Lights have many advantages such as they are lightweight, easy to install, have extremely low wind...

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  • Why contactors from Schaltbau?

    A contactor is a vital safety component in any electrical system, Schaltbau stands for new patented technology. By far the...

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  • Why do I need different channels and when do I need to change them?

    Using more than one WIN master on a channel may cause radio transmission problems between systems. This will generate frequent...

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  • Why do you need a fireman’s switch when you have solar panels?

    A fireman’s switch, also known as a fireman’s switch or PV cut-off switch, is used in conjunction with PV systems...

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  • Why do you need obstacle lights?

    You are required to comply with current regulations, TSFS 2020:88. ORGA’s High-, Medium-, Low-Intensity Obstacle Lights are designed to meet...

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  • Why does my WIN not establish a connection to my WIN master?

    Check the following points: – Check the routing module in the software. – Check the cable on the slave. Is...

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  • Why does the red LED on the WIN slave light up?

    The WIN master is not connected to a WIN slave.

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  • Why doesn’t my computer recognize the WIN master?

    Check the following points: – Make sure that the WIN software has been installed. – Disconnect the EthernetMASTER from the...

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  • Why is it important to consider remanence/residual magnetism when choosing door magnets?

    INKOM door magnets have anti-remanence stick with spring which creates an air gap when voltage to magnet is off. Air...

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