What is frequency regulation from a battery storage system?


Frequency regulation from a battery storage system means that the battery storage system is used to adjust and stabilize the frequency in the grid. The frequency in an electrical network is typically 50 Hz, and it must be kept within a certain tolerance to maintain proper operation of connected appliances and equipment. Normal frequency is 49.9-50.1Hz, but sometimes frequency adjustments are made even in this range.

When the demand for electricity increases or decreases in relation to the available production, the frequency of the grid can be affected. If demand exceeds production, the frequency will drop, while excess production will raise the frequency. A significant deviation from the desired frequency can cause problems for connected devices and systems.

A battery storage system can be used to regulate frequency by providing or absorbing electricity from the grid when needed. If the frequency starts to drop, the battery store can quickly deliver stored electricity to the grid to raise the frequency. On the other hand, the battery storage can absorb excess electricity from the grid when the frequency is too high. By acting as a fast-reacting load or source, battery storage can help stabilize the frequency of the grid and keep it within desired limits.

Frequency regulation is essential to maintain the reliable operation of the electricity network and prevent interference with connected appliances and equipment. Using battery storage for frequency regulation can also avoid or reduce the need to use fast regulating conventional power plants normally used for this type of balancing. This can help increase the flexibility and efficiency of the grid and facilitate the integration of renewables and other distributed energy sources.

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