What is a fire brigade switch / fireman’s switch?


The term “fireman’s switch” usually refers to a type of electrical switch used in firefighting operations to disconnect or shut off the power supply to specific electrical circuits or appliances in a building or other location. This type of switch allows a quick and easy disconnection of electricity in emergency situations, helping firefighters to work safely and efficiently without risking electric shocks or fires caused by the power supply.
Fireman’s switches can be part of the overall emergency system such as fire alarms in a building and are usually placed at fire hydrants or other strategic locations. They can be equipped with a special handle, marking or color schemes to be easily identified by firefighters in an emergency situation. They are usually equipped with a fire brigade lock with a special key that all firefighters carry with them.
It is important to note that the term “fireman’s switch” is not a standardized term and can be used in different ways depending on the specific context or region. It is always best to check with the relevant fire departments or electrical installation standards to get accurate information on the electrical equipment and protocols used in a particular location or organization.
Fire brigade switches in photovoltaic systems usually consist of two parts, a switch button in an enclosure that requires a fire brigade key to open, and a switch box that is placed as close to the solar cells as possible. In this way, the cables from the solar cells are disconnected and de-energized up to the inverter. A fire brigade switch can also be used to separate a battery store or inverter. A fire brigade switch can also be connected to the fire alarm; if the fire alarm goes off, all electrical equipment connected to the fire brigade switch is switched off.

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