In all product ranges, SAB is certified according to ISO 9001. Furthermore, SAB has implemented an environmental management system according to ISO 14001, a work environment management system according to NFL/ILO-OSH and OHSAS 18001, and an energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001.
Whether standard or special construction, SAB designs and produces high quality cables and wires up to the finished connector.
UL-certified cable assembly
SAB Bröckskes GmbH & Co. KG has supplemented its range of power cables with the certification according to the EU directive. to UL Standard Wiring Harness category ZPFW2 (UL) and ZPFW8 (Canada).
Wide range of cable assemblies
The various combinations of plug types and terminals and the different materials we process offer economical solutions. Before we can install a cable, close consultation with our customers is necessary to develop an optimal connection solution for your application.