Magnetostrictive displacement transducer MPC The displacement transducers work on the principle of measuring travel between two points in a magnetostrictive waveguide. A point is determined by a moving position magnet, whose distance from the zero point corresponds to the section to be measured. The operating time of a transmitted impulse is directly proportional to this section. Conversion to an analog measurement signal takes place in the downstream electronics. The waveguide is housed in a pressure-resistant stainless steel tube or an extruded profile. On the back of this is a cast aluminum housing that contains the electronics in SMD technology. Electrical connection is implemented via a circular connector. In the rod version, the positioning magnet is placed in a ring that is guided over the rod without contact. In the profile version it is located either in a slider, which is connected to the moving part of the machine via a ball coupling, or it moves as a liftable positioning magnet, without wear, over the profile.
Magnetostrictive displacement transducer MPC The displacement transducers work on the principle of measuring travel between two points in a magnetostrictive waveguide. A point is determined by a moving position magnet, whose distance from the zero point corresponds to the section to be measured. The operating time of a transmitted impulse is directly proportional to this section. Conversion to an analog measurement signal takes place in the downstream electronics. The waveguide is housed in a pressure-resistant stainless steel tube or an extruded profile. On the back of this is a cast aluminum housing that contains the electronics in SMD technology. Electrical connection is implemented via a circular connector. In the rod version, the positioning magnet is placed in a ring that is guided over the rod without contact. In the profile version it is located either in a slider, which is connected to the moving part of the machine via a ball coupling, or it moves as a liftable positioning magnet, without wear, over the profile.