Transducers & sensors
Product category: Rotary encoders
Incremental or absolute: Absolute
Single or Multiturn: Multiturn, Singleturn
Interface: CANopen
Special feature: Printed circuit board solution and digital multi-tasking memory
Design: 46 mm
Resolution: 4096 steps/rev
Code type: Binary
Measurement range: 4096 revolutions
Profile: CANopen according to CiA, DS 406 revision 3.0
Electrical connection: Cable sockets, Screw terminals
Electrical / mechanical variant: Standard
Rotary encoder TKN46 Recording of the angular position by means of a Hall sensor and signal processing including generation of the output signal – in addition to the angular position, a speed signal can also be output in digits / time unit – electrical connection via screw terminal (5-pin, conductor cross-section max 0.5 mm²) or PTFE pigtail connector, 300 mm long – a CAN controller at the output enables connection to the CANopen network. According to CANopen application layer and communication profile, CiA Draft Standard 301, version 4.1 and according to Device Profile for Encoders CiA Draft Standard Proposal 406, Version 3.0 and CANopen Layer setting Services and Protocol (LSS), CiA DSP 305. In the multiturn version, the number of revolutions is recorded in a counter. The position value is saved when the supply voltage is switched off. In the de-energized state, the position value is recorded at the movement of the axis within ≤ ± 90°.