Why do you need obstacle lights?


You are required to comply with current regulations, TSFS 2020:88.

ORGA’s High-, Medium-, Low-Intensity Obstacle Lights are designed to meet the most demanding
applications and situations around the world. Operational safety lies at the heart of the aviation industry.
licenses for operation. To keep these licenses, you need an up-to-date obstacle light system that
meet your operational needs and comply with the most stringent national and international standards.
regulations. At ORGA, we work in close cooperation with international regulators and
national military aviation organizations to design and develop infrared obstacle light systems for display with
night vision aids.
As our clients operate in many different countries, we are familiar with the latest international and national legislation.
national rules and safety standards. At Orga, we can not only help you to meet these
challenges, we can help you stay ahead of them.

Read more about our obstacle lights here.

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